Our Mission

To inspire students to strive for academic excellence, and to nurture their aspirations in a caring, family-oriented community to become people of depth, strength, integrity and character.

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At Kilvington, we strive to deliver an inspired learning culture. Consistent expectations and positive student-teacher relationships create an engaging and supportive learning environment. Teachers know their students and challenge them to achieve their personal best.

The curriculum at Kilvington is dynamic, engaging and relevant, and supports the development of critical and creative thinking. Students are empowered to translate learning into action and understand their connection to a changing world.



  • Maximise the academic potential of every student.

  • Deliver a curriculum that is dynamic, engaging and relevant.

  • Equip students with the skills to thrive.




Students learn most effectively when their emotional, social and physical wellbeing needs are met. At Kilvington, we foster a culture of care that supports holistic wellbeing and character development of students across the School.

Through proactive character development programs and dedicated pastoral care initiatives, we nurture each student’s personal growth. We are committed to helping our students become curious, resilient, caring and respectful people who, once leaving school, will positively engage with and contribute meaningfully to the world around them.



  • Develop a sequential whole school approach to character development, wellbeing and care.

  • Ensure our school culture supports character development, wellbeing and overall health of students.

  • Further develop and maintain innovative and proactive character and wellbeing programs across the School, that are informed by research and evidence-based practices.




We recognise that a student’s overall experience at school is not limited to their classroom-based learning. By offering a breadth and variety of experiential learning opportunities, that both supplement and complement existing curriculum-driven programs, we aim to provide students with a range of opportunities to grow and develop their interests and passions.



  • Maintain a diverse and engaging co-curricular program that supports learning.

  • Strengthen and broaden the range of extra-curricular activities that enhance student experience and growth.

  • Provide relevant and meaningful opportunities for student agency and voice.




Kilvington is committed to fostering a people-centric culture that inspires our staff to achieve their best. We offer an engaged workplace by providing leadership development and opportunities for all staff, and we take a strategic and proactive approach to attract, develop and retain skilled people so that we can provide a quality experience for our community.



  • Attract, develop and retain quality staff.

  • Provide leadership development and opportunities for staff.

  • Provide an engaging professional development program.

  • Foster and enhance staff wellbeing and inclusion.




Embedded in Kilvington’s history and culture is a commitment to foster and develop deep connections with our students and families so that they feel a genuine sense of belonging and connection to their community.

To help students prepare for life beyond Kilvington, we provide opportunities for them to develop relationships with local community groups, businesses, universities and former students. Upon graduating and becoming members of our alumni, our students continue to experience the value of being part of the Kilvington family.



  • Provide opportunities for students and their families to develop deep connections with the Kilvington community.

  • Connect students with mentors, community groups and industry.

  • Build relationships with alumni through valuable experiences.




Kilvington is committed to being a school of choice for families seeking a smaller coeducational, independent school of excellence. We will continue to meet the future educational needs of our students by delivering progressive and innovative programs and facilities, while remaining financially and environmentally sustainable in a community-based setting.



  • Reduce our carbon footprint and develop and maintain sustainable practices.

  • Ensure the School remains financially sustainable.

  • Maintain strong enrolments, but ensure the School remains a smaller coeducational, independent school of excellence.

  • Deliver on our master plan to build for the 21st century.



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