Early Learning Centre


At the Kilvington Early Learning Centre (ELC), our focus is helping children to develop into independent thinkers. Our students learn how to solve problems, reflect creatively and communicate effectively and confidently within a nurturing, safe and inspiring learning environment.


Our students are taught by warm, caring and highly qualified early teachers who carefully develop each individual child’s knowledge, skills and attitudes by guiding their development through intentional teaching practice, active inquiry learning opportunities inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy.

A great benefit of Kilvington’s ELC is being part of the School community. This gives our ELC children access to a range of adventures, including visits to the science labs, library, art and music classrooms. This connection with the Junior and Senior School also allows our students to connect with older students in a positive way, enabling a smoother transition into their formal schooling.

Our ELC curriculum includes an engaging introduction to literacy, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), the arts, Indigenous education, and much more.

Specialist Programs

In addition to delivering an engaging learning and development program, we offer a range of specialist programs which includes Music, Library, French Immersion and a Perceptual Motor Program. 

Our ELC Handbook provides a detailed overview of what you can expect your child to experience as part of their early learning journey at Kilvington.

Hours of Operation

Kilvington's ELC operating hours are 8.45am – 3.00pm. We offer two, three, four and five-day programs. More details below.

3-year-old Kindergarten

Research has proven starting kindergarten at age three makes a significant positive impact on a child’s independence, concentration, emotional management, cognitive and social skills.

Three-day program:
'Marine Group' - Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Two- or three-day program:
'Daintree Group' - Thursday and Friday or Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Pre-Prep Programs

Four-day program:
'Magnolia Group' - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Four- or five-day program:
'Magenta Group' - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Before and After School Care

Before/after school and holiday care programs are available on campus to our ELC and Junior Schoolers.

Kilvington's programs are managed by the out-of-hours care professionals Extend. Please visit their website for enrolment forms, activity descriptions and further information.

Email Extend
P: 1300 366 437

Starting Age

While government regulations allow children to turn three by 30 April during their entry year to an early learning program, we believe the best outcome for your child’s development and wellbeing is to commence their early learning program as a three-year-old (three by the end of January).

If your child is turning three between January and April, we recommend it is best to discuss your child’s entry with the ELC Director of Director of Admissions.

For further information and securing a place for your child, please contact our Director of Admissions Liz Chegwin on 03 9578 6231 or admissions@kilvington.vic.edu.au


The Department of Education has recently announced changes in the way three-year-old and Pre-Prep kindergarten and early learning programs are funded. Subsidies and grants vary based on the type of early childhood service. We understand that some parents need to use a variety of pre-school options in a given week. The new funding rules require that families must nominate their primary kindergarten provider to which subsidy funding will be directed to assist with the costs of running the program.

It is a condition of your enrolment at Kilvington that you nominate Kilvington as your primary kindergarten provider.

If you would like to discuss the funding changes, please contact the Admissions Department on admissions@kilvington.vic.edu.au.

3D Facilities Tour

Kilvington’s Early Learning Centre comprises of diverse, warm, and inviting indoor and outdoor learning spaces which have been thoughtfully designed to foster creative exploration, while encouraging interaction and communication.

Exceeding National Standards

Kilvington's ELC was recently awarded an ‘Exceeding’ standard by the Department of Education for all seven quality areas governed by the National Quality Standard (NQS).

Exceeding the National Quality Standard (NQS) means going above and beyond what is expected for a standard.

This outstanding result is due to the hard work, commitment and passion of Kilvington’s ELC educators, and the School’s recognition of the fundamental importance early learning has on a child’s educational and personal development journey.

Contact our Admissions Office

For more information about available places in our ELC program, please contact us.

Liz Chegwin
Director of Admissions
P: 03 9578 6231
E: admissions@kilvington.vic.edu.au

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