Visual Arts


Kilvington's highly regarded Visual Arts program engages students from Prep to Year 12 in diverse learning experiences, including both incursions and excursions. These opportunities allow students to explore a wide range of artistic mediums and techniques, broadening their creative skills and frame of mind.


Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
— Pablo Picasso

The importance of the arts is undeniable. Art helps children build communication and language skills, foster creativity, and boost self-esteem. Additionally, the arts provide young minds with a new perspective to engaging subjects like history, geography, math, science, and technology, providing a point of view they might not otherwise encounter.

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Kilvington Art Show

From ELC to Year 10, our talented artists get to shine at the annual art show. This exciting event features works from every class, celebrating the incredible depth and creativity of our students’ artistic talent.

VCE Students Art Show

We also host a special exhibition to honor the outstanding work of our VCE students. With a guest speaker from the local art community, plus family members and friends, we come together to recognise these remarkable achievements and showcase the impressive talent of our senior artists.

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