Year 9

Investing in your child's future

Year 9 is a critical juncture in a student’s educational journey. It is a time of rapid mental and physical development and a desire for independence – a time where they look to parents, teachers and peers to help shape their attitudes, perspectives and character.

Year 9 pic

With the right programs and support, students embrace this challenge with purpose and confidence. When we raise the bar, they exceed expectations, and when they are nudged out of their comfort zone, they respond with courage, curiosity and resilience.

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Academic Program

At Kilvington, the Year 9 academic program runs from Monday to Thursday, with Kilvington's Impact Program on Friday.

Each student will be extensively educated in the areas of:

  • English, Mathematics
  • Science
  • Geography/History
  • Physical Education and Sport

Your child will also have a choice to study the areas of:

  • French language and culture
  • Japanese language and culture
  • Global Studies

Kilvington recognises that in order to prepare students for a future workplace, we must deliver beyond a knowledge based curriculum. A broad selection of contemporary, engaging, competency based electives allow students to direct their own learning and showcase their achievements.

  • Change the Game
  • Creative Studio
  • Culinary Life
  • Forensic Technologies 
  • Screen and Media
  • Rise of the Drones
  • Own the Stage
  • Your Rights
Impact - Aspire. Empower. Thrive.

The Impact Program is a Year 9 holistic and unique program that gives our students the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to help thrive at school and life after Kilvington.

It is built on real-world experiences, developing core competencies, encouraging ‘thinking big’ and creating connections based on respect and trust.

The Impact Program is about doing school differently. As students transition from being a child to an adolescent, it’s about steeping them in real life experiences and bringing Year 9s out of the formal structure of the classroom.
— Mark Williams, Dean of the Impact Program

Impact | Semester 1

The Impact Program starts with Emerge at the end of Year 8. Students are guided through a collaborative process during which they develop a mutually agreed set of cultural commitments for the cohort.

Impact Program - Emerge pic

The overall goal being to establish an environment in which each individual can thrive. Student voice is key to encouraging agency and ownership.

The reciprocal nature of privileges and responsibilities is also explored. Safety, independence and responsibility are themes as students build confidence navigating Melbourne.

Impact Program - City Expeditions

A full week is spent launching the Impact Program early in Term 1. Students spend several days familiarising themselves with the CBD and learning about a range of social issues with City Cite before beginning 'It’s Everyone’s Business' at Monash University. Guest speakers share about disadvantage, addiction, religious tolerance, and challenges facing refugees.

Impact Program - City Rotations pic

Mentor groups rotate through various workshops on Friday afternoons. Initially these visits focus on social issues with the aim of eliciting empathy and inspiring passion that will drive the 'It’s Everyone’s Business' social enterprise projects. Later, excursions centre around iconic Melbourne landmarks which celebrate our sporting, indigenous, multicultural, and artistic heritage.

This unique partnership with Monash University empowers students to create a social enterprise proposal designed to positively impact a social issue such as homelessness, racism, domestic violence, disability, isolation, inclusivity, or mental health. Students develop business, design and presentation skills while creating and refining their group product or service.

Impact Program - It's Everyone's Business

The project fosters effective collaboration, communication, problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy. Social enterprises in and around the CBD are visited for inspiration and advice. The whole process culminates in an Expo Evening where each team pitches their comprehensive, polished concept to peers, staff and parents.

Impact Program - Expo pic
 Impact | Semester 2

The Year 9 Health curriculum is taught explicitly through the Impact Program, rather than in school classes. This gives students an intensive style of learning in a setting conducive to discussion and reflection.

Impact Program - Health pic

Four distinct areas of Health are explored: Physical, Social, Mental and Sexual. Training hikes are conducted in and around the Melbourne CBD in preparation for the Transformative Expeditions.

Students also participate in workshops conducted by a variety of external expert providers.

Essential elements of wellbeing for adolescents include a healthy relationship with food and exercise, and adequate sleep to sustain and support growing bodies and minds.

Impact Program - Wellbeing pic

Students require effective stress management strategies and proactive study habits to prepare thoroughly for assessments, including examinations, as academic demands increase. The importance of mindfulness in fostering wellbeing is also emphasised.

The Impact Program promotes interpersonal competencies, emotional awareness and the articulation of personal values and beliefs. Respectful Relationships, vital at school and beyond, are discussed in depth. Students are prompted to consider how their words, actions and attitudes influence themselves and others, both positively and adversely.

Impact Program  - Character pic

Gendered inequality and unconscious bias are explored, with an emphasis on encouraging students to make positive decisions in their relationships.

Growth occurs beyond the boundaries of one’s comfort zone. Compulsory Transformative Expeditions challenge students socially, emotionally, culturally and physically.

Impact Program - Expeditions pic

Students chose between the Cape York Indigenous Homelands Immersion and Great South West Victoria Expedition. Both require significant preparation, maturity and grit.

Students come home feeling a real sense of accomplishment, community and appreciation.

For a more detailed look into Kilvington's Impact Program, please view our guide.

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